Starting a New Job? Don’t Make These 5 Common Mistakes.

Creative Toddler Mom
4 min readSep 9, 2020

I remember being 19 and going to my first ever job interview. I was scared, frightened, and overwhelmed with emotion. I did not know what to expect and how to overcome my fear. I knew that I had worked hard to get there, and everything came with such uncertainty, but I thought I was ready.

When I got the call that the job was mine, I was happy and so proud of myself. I thought that the hard part was over. I was ambitious and ready. In all honesty, I crashed, I failed, and I learned from my mistakes.

Whether starting the first job after university or after 10 years of work experience, starting a new job can be daunting and overwhelming. A new environment is like entering another unknown world.

Everyone knows that the first year of work is about learning and gaining experience. To be successful, people are expected to do their job, learn everything, pick up on mistakes and correct them if they can, do what they are told, keep a clear head, and show initiative.

I did not know that there were other different things you are supposed to do, too. I wish someone had told me that before.

Here are 5 common mistakes people make that sabotage their chances to learn and grow.

Being Afraid to Ask for Help



Creative Toddler Mom

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