Member-only story
The main thing in all of this is — to take the first step and just do it. Give it a try, try new things out. Broaden your horizons and see others as an inspiration. If I can do it, you can too.
I am really skeptical of this, I have been scammed before on this platform, and it partly was my own fault. I should have known better. But even after that, I consider this platform a great place to earn — dedication and time are crucial in this.
This time I am going to actually read everything that is regarding terms of service and all of the job boards more closely, word by word so that I know what I am getting myself into.
And the other thing – I am not going to sell myself short, not doing any work for pennies, my time is actually really valuable – I can never get back the time I have spent, therefore I am going to spend it doing what I enjoy.
If you are interested in this platform here is a link for it.
I have always had this urge to start a podcast, the only thing that was actually keeping me from diving in – not knowing what is my niche.